Stories on the Run – A New Audiozine

Like the Wind exists to tell stories about running. And while the print edition of the magazine will always be our first love, we also enjoy watching and listening to stories. Which is why we are excited to announce the launch of our new audiozine – conversations with people who love running stories as much as we do.

The Like the Wind audio experience is a new type of running podcast: a mixture of narrated stories (think audiobook) and guest interviews.

We know that everyone who picks up a copy of Like the Wind has their favourite stories. Perhaps the subject is something that resonates. Or the style of writing. Sometimes a story reminds the reader of an experience they had or tells them something completely new about the amazing running world. Some people love stories that transport them to a different place or time.

In each episode of the podcast, we sit down with a guest who has picked some of their favourite stories from the Like the Wind collection. You will hear those stories being read much like an audiobook, interspersed with the guest explaining why each story means so much to them.

Listening to their choice of stories and the reasons they picked them, we’ll learn about our guests and their passion for running.

The episodes are insightful, moving, funny and unique – and you can enjoy them as a podcast or on the Like the Wind YouTube channel.

The Like the Wind audio experience launches in December 2023.