Category Archives: Partnerships

BREATH BECOMES EVERYTHING: The need to support clean air projects

With every stride we take along trails, roads or tracks, we inhale the air. For [...]

To be the Best

What makes a race – or any sporting challenge, for that matter – iconic? What [...]

From field to infield: the unstoppable force

Gentle rain showers fall intermittently on the athletes gathered on the infield of the high [...]

Now and then on the same track

Saturday night, 14 May 2016, was cold and overcast in Manchester, England. On the Sportcity [...]

A sense of place

Humans are excellent at adapting to their surroundings. The specific challenges of different environments prompt [...]

Opportunities for excellence

Like the Wind visited On’s youth training camp in the Swiss town of St Moritz [...]

A Fresh Start

We all know the feeling. You’ve finished your session and the watch says it’s gone [...]

Everybody’s Local

London-based running crew Run The Boroughs (RTB) is the embodiment of the idea that running [...]

The Ties That Bind

For a running crew – or any organised group, for that matter – to have [...]

What Kate did next

What can a track specialist with a 1,500m personal best time of 4m15.42s teach someone [...]